1. Thank the
blogger who nominated you.
2. Include a
link to their site.
3. Include the
award image in your post.
4. Give 7 random
facts about yourself
5. Nominate other bloggers for the award.
6. When
nominating, include a link to their site.
7. Let other
bloggers know they've been nominated.
And the rules....
1. Follow the
person that gave you the award.
2. Link back to
the person that gave you the award.
3. Pass the
award on to new bloggers.
Seven Random Facts About Me:
1. I love all seasons. That's the great thing about Wisconsin. Although, this heat we are having is insane. But, I enjoy wakeboarding, snowboard, and everything in between.
2. My perfect summer night is sitting around a bonfire with friends/family.
3. My favorite color is green.
4. I am afraid of wasps... go figure my classroom was infested with them last year. ICK
5. I used to row on our college rowing team.
6. I have a boot obsession. One (of many) amazing things about fall... the clothing!! Skinny jeans and boots <3
7. Ready for this one?? I HATE picking grapes off of the vine. I dunno, the way my hands feel after doing it grosses me out.
Now, for my nominations:
Aww, thank you!! You just gave me a huge smile!!
First Grade Blue Skies