Hello All,
Our wonderful Kindergarten Teacher, Amanda at Love, Laugh, and Learn, and I are looking at doing a Book Study with our Parents this year... optional of course. I have been looking for books that would be great for both Parents and Teachers. I was looking at the Love and Logic books for starters, something that would benefit the classroom and home life. Any other suggestions?? I would love to hear your input! Thanks much!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Friday, July 6, 2012
THANK YOU Amanda at Love, Laugh, and Learn for nominating me for this award... even though I have neglected my blog for quite some time! Haha. Darn summer, distracting me!
Here are the

1. Thank the
blogger who nominated you.
2. Include a
link to their site.
3. Include the
award image in your post.
4. Give 7 random
facts about yourself
5. Nominate other bloggers for the award.
6. When
nominating, include a link to their site.
7. Let other
bloggers know they've been nominated.
And the rules....
1. Follow the
person that gave you the award.
2. Link back to
the person that gave you the award.
3. Pass the
award on to new bloggers.
Seven Random Facts About Me:
1. I love all seasons. That's the great thing about Wisconsin. Although, this heat we are having is insane. But, I enjoy wakeboarding, snowboard, and everything in between.
2. My perfect summer night is sitting around a bonfire with friends/family.
3. My favorite color is green.
4. I am afraid of wasps... go figure my classroom was infested with them last year. ICK
5. I used to row on our college rowing team.
6. I have a boot obsession. One (of many) amazing things about fall... the clothing!! Skinny jeans and boots <3
7. Ready for this one?? I HATE picking grapes off of the vine. I dunno, the way my hands feel after doing it grosses me out.
Now, for my nominations:
Obsession Confession Linky Party
**I'm way behind on this one, and too late to add it in (summer has really gotten away from me, YIKES)... but I still wanted to share.
Living A Wonderful life is having a fun Linky Party about teachers obsessions. Check them out, I can relate to way too many!!

Here are my obsession confessions:
1) Keurig/Magic Bullet
AHH-MMAZING! During Fall/Winter/Spring my Keurig makes me smile in the morning. LOVE sitting on my couch in the morning with a hot single serve cup of coffee. Mmmm. The, there is summer. Nothing better than a morning smoothie from the Magic Bullet, that thing rocks.
2) Fitness Magazine
I used to purchase this every month but finally caved in and ordered a subscription... much cheaper. Here's the weird part... I have to read it from back to front. I don't know why but just do.
3) Scholastic Book Orders
OMMGGG do I love buying new books!! I see a new book and HAVE to have it. Haha. It's like Christmas when you get that cute white box at school! My best friends daughter comes over just to "check out books" from me.
I am from Green Bay... and I think it is a law that you must LOVE the Packers. If I am not heading to the game you can still find me in the parking lot tailgating! There is no feeling like Packer game day, it truly bring our small town together. But, I also have to give some love for my Badgers and Brewers. I love them all. Can't wait for the Olympics, let's go U-S-A!!!
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